Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Wrapping Up the Season

We have wrapped up the season with Divisionals and a banquet for Maddie and the Lollipop Meet and a cook-out for Sophie. The girls had so much fun this summer, and they are both sad to see their practices come to an end.

Here is Sophie about to swim her first relay, the second stretch of the kick board competition! To see her swim her 25 meter freestyle, go to the video in the following post.

Madeline came in 10th at divisionals! Since swimmers come from six different pools for this meet, she did awesome! Her teammates made her this poster and hung it up during the night.

I posted a video of Madeline swimming her medley in a previous post.  Scroll down a bit to view it!

Below is Madeline at the awards banquet. We dried and curled her hair. Why? I am not sure since within 15 minutes of arriving, she went for a swim.

 I am really proud of both my girls!!

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