Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Back to School Time

I decided to make the first day of school extra special for my girls this year. I like back to school time, but it is a really stressful/busy time of year for me with all the preparations and back to school stuff related to my job. This year, I decided to do some special things for my own kids, too (in Los Angeles, I was already out the door when they awoke on their first days).

 I made them a special breakfast of "first grader" and "fifth grader" pancakes. Those are berries making the numbers which weren't so obvious when I flipped them over. I'm glad I thought to take a "before" picture.

I lit candles on the breakfast table and prepared them each an envelope with encouraging messages and notes for their first day.

Of course, we took the obligatory front-of-the-house school pictures. My fifth grader getting so big:

A fifth and a first grader:

My beautiful girls. Truly blessed.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

What a great way to start the first day of school!