Monday, October 07, 2013

Sophie Turns 7!!

Sophie turned seven over the weekend! Although we're having her birthday party in a couple of weeks, we had a very special day on her actual day! Her wish was to go to Build A Bear, and Grandpa Dean and Grandma Mel gave her the funds to do so. She had a blast and remarked several times that this was the best day of her childhood. :) It was a home run. She picked out the bunny above and all those accessories below! She even picked her own sound, "I love you," and a cotton candy scent. Her little bunny has a dress, a headband, a purse, shoes, pajamas, slippers, a sleeping bag, and a hairbrush. Sophie was in heaven!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Happy Birthday Sophie! What a lovely young lady you are! Your bunny is a knockout with all that stuff to go along with her.