Friday, November 01, 2013

Just the Day to Day

Leah has found a new place to sleep most nights.

 I found the above picture on the camera one evening after class. I have a class on Wednesday evenings now for an additional teaching endorsement. It's a challenge to be gone 13 hours one day each week, but it looks like everyone is having some fun in my absence.

The tuba!!! It is quite loud. I think Maddie can play three notes, and she is required to practice 120 minutes a week . . . you do the math on what our house sounds like. :) She is definitely enjoying band this year more than orchestra last year. Who would have thought? Ha ha. Strings or band? What would you guess? Wink, wink.

I don't think I ever shared a picture of Sophie's birthday cake. Both of my girls are now into making their own creations. I really liked this "7" idea.

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