Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Marek Fire

Monday's Marek fire was really close to where I work. And although many of the schools near mine were closed, mine was open. So, off to work I went commmuting directly into the plume of smoke and fire. I had a sore throat and a massive head ache by the end of the day.

This picture was taken about 7 miles from my work:

This was about 4 miles from work:

Here, I am right in the "thick" of things, less than a mile from work. It is normally super light and bright at this time of the morning, but as you can see, it looks more like night.


Jessica and Adam said...

Yummy air!

Jennifer said...

You know you miss Socal! What do you miss most: 100 degrees in October, fires, or shopping carts?

L&T said...

DDAANNGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That got close didn't it. That sucks. Pacoima should've been evacuated

Carrie said...

Shopping Carts? What do you mean?