Sunday, October 05, 2008

Pumpkin Patch Party

We actually had two cool days in a row! Saturday it rained, which was awesome. Madeline splashed in puddles, and Sophie kept running outside and saying, "It raining, it raining." Today was warmer, but clear, so we headed out to the pumpkin patch. The girls rode the train; Madeline liked it, but Sophie kept a death grip on my arm until the very end. The girls climbed haystacks, meandered through a maze, rode in a wagon, and looked at some farm animals. You know how we love those goats.

Here Sophie kept saying, "Goat eat me? Noooooo!  Goat eat me? Noooooo" and then laughing at her own joke.

This is Maddie riding on the back of a witch's broom:


Jessica and Adam said...

I love the last photo! Looks like fun, I will get those hats done asap, perhaps before the next trip to the patch.

L&T said...

CUTEE!!! Did the auditorium burn down? One of my friends told me that.