Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summer Swimming!!

Summer is upon us! Wednesday was our last day, and I think we've been at the pool since then! Friday night our swim team had a potluck; Madeline and our neighbor, both sharks, made these lovely cupcakes. Watch out Cake Boss!

Saturday morning was competition time. Our first meet was a Ninja theme. Madeline was way too shy to participate. ;)

I am so proud of this girl! She swam free (a whole second off last week's time), back (THREE seconds off her time in just one week), and the last leg of a relay! She didn't place in any of the races, but I am so impressed with her! Next up, Monday's "B" meet, Tuesday's dive meet, and five days of two hour practices.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I'll have one of those cupcakes!