Friday, July 12, 2013

Random Events

While the majority of our days seem to revolve around swim team and dive team events, the girls are also taking a pottery class. They love it! I love that it provides me with 90 minutes of time to myself. I usually go to the farmer's market or read. It is lovely!

We took the girls out to celebrate their successful school years. They both had perfect attendance this year! PERFECT Attendance! I have no idea how that happened, but I credit their teachers who made every day one to look forward to.

We have had quite a bit of rain here in the DC area this summer. I love the thunderstorms, but they do "dampen" outdoor plans. One day, we painted birdhouses for our garden.

We celebrated the fourth! Madeline spent her allowance on sparklers, and we headed to Grandma's to watch the annual fireworks show over the bay.  Once again, the best seats in the house, no crowds, and no problems parking. Sophie, who doesn't like the loud noises, watched through the sliding glass door.

Our garden continues to amaze us! We thought we had brown thumbs, but our garden in like a jungle! Maddie planted the beans from seeds at school, and we transplanted the sprouts to our garden. We had her beans for dinner last week.

We are able to harvest this quantity of produce every four days or so. It is amazing!

One thing I have learned about the garden . . . When you go out to pick something quickly, CLOSE the door. Or else, while a certain dog chases squirrels around the yard, she just might chase one into the house! Yes, we had a squirrel in our house. I saw it run in, but then I couldn't find it. I was panicking as I envisioned the girls needing rabies shots and our house and furniture torn apart by little squirrel claws and teeth.  I guess the squirrel was as shocked as I was because it found a hiding place and stayed there.

Luckily, Ralph had a rodent trap. I set it up, and we left the house for awhile. When we came back, we had our squirrel. Kent was able to release it back into our yard, and now we are very, very careful to keep the door closed!

I have taken up my usual summer time hobby, craigslisting.  I love finding inexpensive pieces like the one below. I got this desk for my office for . . . twenty dollars! That's it, twenty dollars! I am not sure if I'll paint it or leave it as is. Right now, I am searching for a chair to go with it. I am imagining something pretty with a fabric seat, maybe an antique-ish one I could paint, for  25 dollars or less. I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Squirrel! I remember when my Mom and Dad moved in their home 14 years ago, it took a few days to get all the rodents out from the doors being opened for the move!